Miss Heather. It isn’t pretty. The lower shot was taken yesterday afternoon by yours truly. rowan on Sun, 13th Jun 2010 1:17 pm . S. You must have forgotten about Imperial Palace. 122 Meserole Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11222, USA. I grew up on Dupont Street, between Manhattan and. Clad only in a pair of tighty whities. Watching this man conduct his business in his BVDs was painful to watch. The above photograph was taken today at around 1:00 p. To keep myself busy I have been reviewing my stash of snaps of Greenpoint from back in the day and decided to share the above juxtaposition of the intersection of Greenpoint Avenue and McGuinness Boulevard. Thanks d! Today taking pics felt like pulling teeth but I did get a few nice ones (like this one!). Share this: Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Related. But we need you to CALL. Tags: 103 Norman Avenue, 11222, 117 Nassau Avenue, Eckford Street, Elves, Elvish, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn,. Sounded like a fight and at least 4 shots…Leslie Dart has Planted 372,290 Trees Across Canada Over the Past 3 Summers and Inspired So Many Others. It’s gotta be in the last 2-3 days. i’m holding out for Indian! or say Middle-Eastern (though i did read the posts on falafels) or perhaps Caribbean. Gorgeous photo, Heather! Love the composition and colors. until dusk. My goddaughter, who was seven at the time, was big into Hillary Clinton during the election. Phone +1 718-389-5773. OMG! Now I get. Water's Edge Fellowship's Sunday Morning Worship ServiceGreenpoint Back In The Day: Peter Pan Bakery. Greenpoint is a lily-white, upper-middle class neighborhood, and it has been for quite some time. I know what you’re thinking:Curious to see what my favorite Greenpoint celebrity was up to, I swung by Franklin Street to find out. 4 stories. It involves a seance gone very, very wrong. ) SGI on Wed, 25th Nov 2009 8:21 am . Trust me it gets better, not worse, as the pumpkins begin to rot. Opening Party: June 14, 2012. 7 Comments on A Very Greenpoint Blind Item: Bad Finger, Part II. Call 311 if you smell that ol’ Greenpoint smell of the sewage treatment plant…call 311 if your local park has broken glass or worse(!) in it… Be sure to get a COMPLAINT # and email it to [email protected]. Follows is a slide show of my tour of Greenpoint’s only Shul. i guess you really can extend the body of any car you want. P. 108 Noble. My buddy over at 11222 has written about it. d on Tue, 21st Sep 2010 4:01 pm . I love brunch! And in fact, Greenpoint Coffee House is one of my favorite brunch places! I still enjoy the shirt though. Yes sir, that waterfront rezoning has kicked gentrification in Greenpoint into overdrive. He said to the group, “There’s a garbage over there, you know. I was so upset about the change from the all caps style street sign to the horrible. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. trustynick on Sun, 22nd Feb 2009 3:05 pm . Follows is one of the tales I told her. 8 Comments on Greenpoint Restaurant Watch: What’s Up At 159 Greenpoint Avenue. (Her mom and I were both for Obama)God I love Greenpoint! Miss Heather. 2 Bath. newyorkshitty. Share this: Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Related. bitchcakes on Thu, 24th Jul 2008 3:18 pm . Not only is it the home of some of the best damned donuts in the city, but to go inside makes one feel like he (or she) has entered a time warp. so excited to have Indian food locally. Hi –. It all begins with an idea. bitchcakes on Sun, 26th Apr 2009 9:42 pm . October 26, 2009 by missheather Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic Today I walked to Kestane Kebab stomach a. 10 Comments on A Very Special Greenpoint Moment. Isolating may be the overarching theme of 2020, and a new. m. d on Mon, 27th Apr 2009 9:49 am . I saw the sign going up this morning and the little bugs looked like bedbugs at first, but they’re ladybugs. highoctane on Fri, 18th Jun 2010 5:22 pm . Condo in Greenpoint. One of the guys responded with a few sarcastic comments and the group. This contender hails from my corner of the 11222 and it is MAGNIFICENT!New York Shitty Day Ender: Greenpoint Gourmet Watch. Now if a kid plays with a 500-lb WWII bomb his parents would. Apparently Biedronka means ladybug in Polish. 5. It’s been over a week since I’ve hit you up with some (f)urban goodness from the wilderness that is Greenpoint. g. hiBook a Room In a house with three bedrooms and two bathrooms, a room i2 Bed. missheather on Mon, 27th Sep 2010 1:46 pm . Originally constructed in 1903 as one of 13 Public Bath Houses in New York City, this architectural jewel has now been reimagined for 21st century living. Goodness, formerly Goodyoga, is Greenpoint’s Newest Bathhouse – Greenpointers. m. How times have changed. On Guernsey Street even man’s best friend has gotten into the St. m. See a problem with this building? Report it here . Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Newtown Creek, Wow, WTF I have been wondering what is up with the Greenpoint Boathouse Project of late. From the November 10, 1923 edition of the New York Times, I present to you a ghost story that could only happen in the Garden Spot. A. Sale in Greenpoint 151 Newel Street #2. The person who gave the Garden Spot the gift that keeps on giving: the Greenpoint Hotel— a flophouse pretending to be a bed and breakfast. al oof on Mon, 23rd Feb 2009 12:55 am . Lutheran Church of the Messiah 129 Russell Street Brooklyn, New York 11222. 6 Comments on Spotted In Greenpoint: Kent Avenue. Share this: Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) Click to share on. 9 units. Hilarious. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference. Happy St. Jason Kachadourian At Greenpoint Craftworks October 24, 2009; noon until 10:00 p. Sale in Greenpoint 84 Meserole Avenue PENTHOUSE $3,650,000 3 Beds 2. Stanislaw’s and the St. It is located at 1109 Manhattan Avenue. . As your great find attests, there is more than enough Greenpoint Magic to go around! I don’t know about you, dear readers, but I am looking forward to seeing what other goodness this blog whips up for our online enjoyment! Miss Heather. org. ”. 139 Huron Street, Brooklyn, NY, 11222. Good news! GypsyKat on Mon, 27th Apr 2009 12:34 pm . This building has been saved by 76 users. Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: Java Street. : Here are two more examples of this mystery writing courtesy of Bitchcakes (see comments). Thought I heard gunshots last night (sunday morning) around 3:30am from my place just off Franklin on Milton. A Greenpoint architectural classic I’ve noticed: crappy house with a beautiful, shiny, out of place railing in the front “yard” often set on new granite copings. hey, i thought you would be interested to know that the greenpoint hotel got a face lift today…i was grabbing a coffee at champion and noticed scaffolding and painters updating the beige-y pink building of sin. Enjoy! Miss Heather. writes: If I hadn’t been to other Brooklyn post offices, I’d say this one is merely trying to replicate Soviet Bloc-era Polish bureaucracy. Rents are not much lower than they are in Park Slope—and its still primarily polish families that are paying these rents. 5 Baths 2,025 ft² Listing by. 3 Comments on Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: St. Web Visit website. it was a complete put-on. throwbot on Mon, 16th Apr 2012 5:20 pm . Built in 1903. 178 Driggs Avenue Brooklyn, New York 11222. Later in the day I noticed the paint was. Shutterstock. If any of you, dear readers, have ever felt this way (I know I have) don. com Greenpoint Dog Log Blog: One Woman's Crusade Against Dog ShitThis year’s service (a yearly joint collaboration of Congregation Ahavas Israel, the Greenpoint Reformed Church, the Greenpoint Islamic Center, the Church of the Ascension, St. brunch is everyday if you eat at diners. View Map. The back part of the Polish National Home, across the street from Freddie’s, was another. – 8:00 p. Those of you who are interested in getting a sneak peek will be interested to know they will be hosting a barbecue on this Monday, Memorial Day, from 2:00 p. Recently she and talked about it. The top photograph dates from the 1980’s 1970’s. Anyone care to guess how long this hilarious item will remain on India Street? From the look of things I’d say this carbecque has been sitting here for at least 48 hours. January 11, 2023. 3 Bed. I moved on from Greenpoint nearly a quarter-century ago, and nowhere in the world have I found the equal of Shanghai Lee’s beef and chicken two colours/two flavours. , was yet another. Paws down. August 1, 2009 by missheather Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic Looking for a way to beat the heat and get your daily caloric intake in one sitting? Look no further! In the tradition of fried Oreos and Snickers bars Greenpoint’s very own Peter Pan Bakery. First, let’s talk about the “good” – Open Air Saline Hot Tub, Sunlighten Infrared Sauna, thousand square foot garden withSensory Deprivation Spa, Vessel Floats, Opens in Greenpoint. nbenford on Wed, 22nd Oct 2008 6:43 pm . Sale in Greenpoint 84 Meserole Avenue PENTHOUSE. When the Mister and I saw the brown paper go up at 940 Manhattan Avenue we expected the. (Click on the previous link, it’s a pisser!) The person who gives us 239 Banker Street: a hotel being utilized as luxury apartments, e. Unfortunately, I believe that IP and Bombay. : Ahavas Israel also offers N. I briefly considered walking down there to tell people that. missheather on Tue, 21st Sep 2010 4:38 pm . It would appear I was a mite bit hasty deeming Monitor Street as the “go to” in Greenpoint in terms of Halloween decor. it was a room that held less than 100 people… many of whom were likely staff of bloomberg-friendlies with a paid day off to. 2 Comments on Greenpoint Restaurant Watch: 946 Manhattan Avenue. Maybe you want to launch a business. Bodmin on Thu, 24th Jul 2008 12:30 pm . Heh, how long has it been like this? missheather on Mon, 16th Apr 2012 4:43 pm . Also, it seems like back then writing a (new york times!) newspaper article with blatantly literary flourishes, and taking the liberty to fill in any unknown events. words fail me. Gone was the foreboding “HOTEL” sign, which may only be missing during the painting. Anyone worth his (or her) Greenpoint salt is familiar with the Peter Pan Bakery. SAVE SHARE. Share this: Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new. Brooklyn Industries. The Public Palace Theatre was located at 555 Graham Ave. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. This is the Greenpoint Hotel. The place I call home is an “emerging neighborhood” and is currently experiencing its “renaissance”? And there’s a “business strategy” involved? Thanks but no thanks. "Tophi—which are uric acid crystal deposits that look like lumps under the. Status: Open. 1300 ft 2. Film Noir Cinema. One Comment on Greenpoint Fashion Watch: Furban Jungle Update. Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic Those of you who prefer twigs and berries to mistletoe this holiday season will be delighted to know that tonight the “Adonis Lounge” will be hosting a private party featuring fifteen of New York’s “hottest Men”, lap dances, champagne room and full bar and “full. Are you under the impression that the middle-class Polish residents are being pushed out into Bushwick?i was at that 3rd term city council meeting… only because i lied at the door with camera in hand claiming to be the press. The neighborhood itself radiates retro vibes and nothing says old school like a movie rental. Miss Heather. But for the rest of you all…. Goodyoga, Brooklyn's Oldest Yoga Practice, happens at Goodness, our flagship 3 story spa with a 1,000 square foot garden, complete with Saline Hot Tub for 6, Weber Grill, Cold Shower, Shaded Seating, Koi Pond, Fragrant Floral and Food Farm and, of course, a hanging tree tent with a 6' diameter air mattress. These are but a few of my thoughts about the Greenpoint Post Office. The zeal with which I took to executing this task seemed to surprise Larry da Junkman :Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Recession I have been queried by a number of people lately about the status of the Pencil Factory Lofts (as seen above). 3 Comments on Greenpoint is the Bomb! rheingold on Sun, 30th Sep 2007 3:52 pm . Sale in Greenpoint 47 Diamond Street #1A. The sticker might have reflected the kid’s political sentiments. As some of you might recall this project (whose description can been seen at the City Parks Foundation’s web site ) was brought to a vote and chosen to. If this vehicle ever goes for sale let me know. mikki on Fri, 12th Jun 2009 9:21 am . Luckily last weekend’s lovely weather brought out all manner and variety of animal print enthusiasts. Greenpoint Food Watch: A Menu & A Rumor.